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HTML Colors

Tool to select/find an HTML color code from a color pîcker, an hexadecimal code or preset alphabetic code name.


HTML Colors -

Tag(s) : Internet, Physics-Chemistry

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HTML Colors

HTML Color Selector

Color Chart Selector

From HTML Code

Answers to Questions (FAQ)

What is an HTML color code? (Definition)

In computing, colors are defined by an RGB triplet (red, green, blue). In the HTML language, this triplet is quoted with the character # (hash) followed by 6 hexadecimal characters (0-9a-f). The 6 characters correspond to 3 pairs of 2 characters, respectively encoding the values of red, green and blue (RGB or RGB in English) via a hexadecimal code (between 00 and ff = 255)

Example: #ff007f corresponds to ff (255) red, 00 green and 7f (127) blue. This mixture corresponds to the color Rose

Why some HTML color codes have 3 characters?

A variant in the writing of HTML color codes is allowed: a code with 3 characters, one for red, one for green, one for blue (instead of 2 for each). This limits the number of available values (16 values per color instead of 256), but has the advantage of reducing the write size. To get a long code, double each character.

Example: '# f70' matches f (ff: 255) red, 7 (77 => 119) green and 0 blue. This mixture corresponds to an orange color

Why some HTML color codes have a name?

Hexadecimal writing is not very readable for an untrained person, so a list of common colors (in English) has been defined to be used.

Example: color=black to display black

It is possible to write 256^3=16777216 colors, these 16 million colors do not all have a name, only a few have benefited from an alphabetical code.

What is the list of colors with an html name?

#F0F8FFaliceblueAlice Blue
#FAEBD7antiquewhiteAntique white
#00FFFFaquaAqua (Green/Blue)
#7FFFD4aquamarineAqua marine
#FFEBCDblanchedalmondBlanched almond
#DEB887burlywoodBurly wood
#5F9EA0cadetblueCadet blue
#6495EDcornflowerblueCornflower blue
#FFF8DCcornsilkCorn Silk
#00008BdarkblueDark blue
#008B8BdarkcyanDark cyan
#B8860BdarkgoldenrodDark golden rod
#A9A9A9darkgrayDark gray
#006400darkgreenDark green
#BDB76BdarkkhakiDark khaki
#8B008BdarkmagentaDark magenta
#556B2FdarkolivegreenDark olive green
#FF8C00darkorangeDark orange
#9932CCdarkorchidDark orchid
#8B0000darkredDark red
#E9967AdarksalmonDark salmon
#8FBC8FdarkseagreenDark sea green
#483D8BdarkslateblueDark slate blue
#2F4F4FdarkslategrayDark slate gray
#00CED1darkturquoiseDark turquoise
#9400D3darkvioletDark violet
#FF1493deeppinkDeep pink
#00BFFFdeepskyblueDeep sky blue
#696969dimgrayDim gray
#1E90FFdodgerblueDodger blue
#B22222firebrickFire brick
#FFFAF0floralwhiteFloral white
#228B22forestgreenForest green
#F8F8FFghostwhiteGhost white
#DAA500goldenrodGolden rod
#ADFF2FgreenyellowGreen yellow
#F0FFF0honeydewHoney dew
#FF69B4hotpinkHot pink
#CD5C5CindianredIndian red
#FFF0F5lavenderblushLavender blush
#FFFACDlemonchiffonLemon chiffon
#ADD8E6lightbleuLight blue
#F08080lightcoralLight coral
#E0FFFFlightcyanLight cyan
#FAFAD2lightgoldenrodyellowLight golden rod
#90EE90lightgreenLight green
#D3D3D3lightgreyLight grey
#FFB6C1lightpinkLight pink
#FFA07AlightsalmonLight salmon
#20B2AAlightseagreenLight sea green
#87CEFAlightskyblueLight sky blue
#778899lightslategrayLight slate gray
#B0C4DElightsteelblueLight steel blue
#FFFFE0lightyellowLight yellow
#32CD32limegreenLime green
#66CDAAmediumaquamarineMedium aqua marine
#0000CDmediumblueMedium blue
#BA55D3mediumorchidMedium orchid
#9370DBmediumpurpleMedium purple
#3CB371mediumseagreenMedium sea green
#7B68EEmediumslateblueMedium slate blue
#00FA9AmediumspringgreenMedium spring green
#48D1CCmediumturquoiseMedium turquoise
#C71585mediumvioletredMedium violet red
#191970midnightblueMidnight blue
#F5FFFAmintcremMint crem
#FFE4E1mistyroseMisty rose
#FFDEADnavajowhiteNavajo white
#FDF5E6oldlaceOld lace
#6B8E23olivegrabOlive grab
#FF4500orangeredOrange red
#EEE8AApalegoldenrodPale golden rod
#98FB98palegreenPale green
#AFEEEEpaleturquoisePale Turquoise
#DB7093palevioletredPale vilet red
#FFEFD5papayawhipPapaya whip
#FFDAB9peachpuffPeach puff
#B0E0E6powderbluePowder blue
#BC8F8FrosybrownRosy brown
#4169E1royalblueRoyal blue
#8B4513saddlebrownSaddle brown
#F4A460saldybrownSaldy brown
#2E8B57seagreenSea green
#FFF5EEseashellSea shell
#87CEEBskyblueSky blue
#6A5ACDslateblueSlate blue
#708090slategraySlate gray
#00FF7FspringgreenSpring green
#4682B4steelblueSteel blue
#F5F5F5whitesmokeWhite smoke
#9ACD32yellowgreenYellow green

Source code

dCode retains ownership of the "HTML Colors" source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the "HTML Colors" algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, breaker, translator), or the "HTML Colors" functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for "HTML Colors" are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
Reminder : dCode is free to use.

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The copy-paste of the page "HTML Colors" or any of its results, is allowed (even for commercial purposes) as long as you credit dCode!
Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon
Cite as source (bibliography):
HTML Colors on [online website], retrieved on 2024-10-22,

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